Just as the majestic whale roams the vast oceans, I traverse the uncharted waters of sound and vision. كما يتجول الحوت الجليل في أعماق المحيطات، أنا أعبر مياه الصوت والرؤية غير المستكشفة.
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"Room of Minarets" is a project I created for the "Soft
Image" exhibition. The concept of the exhibition revolved
around showcasing visual works under the theme of "Soft
Image," focusing on post-internet art or images that
blend the handmade with the digital, highlighting new
elements reminiscent of the digital aesthetic.

"Room of Minarets," is an interactive experience or game set in a
digital space. The room contains architectural elements resembling minarets or
buildings used for prayer. The player can interact with these structures, each of
which contains a message for the player to discover. These messages are responses
for those seeking truth, but the answers are vague and often resemble each other.

Mahmoud Ismail Visual Artist and Musician Experimental Music Videos Ambient Atmospheric Installations Sculpture 3D Scanning Digital Art Animations Sound

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